Welcome to the Official Website for Hanover Township Fire Department

2025 Joseph Nealon Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament benefitting the Hanover Area Fire District
Saturday April 26, 2025
Sand Springs Country Club
Drums, PA

At this time Registration is closed as all team slots are full.
We are still actively looking for Hole Sponsors.
RIT Responds on 2nd Alarm Fire in Glen Lyon
February 22
Shortly before 4:30 AM, Hanover Township Fire was requested on the 1st Alarm Assignment to provide Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) support on Orchard Street in the Glen Lyon section of Newport Township, where a working building fire was underway. Engine 3 and Fire Command quickly responded to the scene.
Upon arrival, the RIT crew was reassigned as a hands team and immediately began assisting Newport ... (Full Story & Photos)
Emergency Warning Light Upgrade Completed on Rescue 5, Enhancing Safety for Firefighters
February 05
We at the HTFD are pleased to announce the successful completion of an emergency warning and scene light upgrade on Rescue 5. This critical upgrade involved replacing the aging strobe warning lights and halogen scene lights with advanced LED lighting, significantly improving the visibility and safety of our first responders.
The previous strobe lights on Rescue 5 had reached the end of their lifespan, ... (Full Story & Photos)
Photo from AMP Global Strategies
Help Us Keep Fire Hydrants Clear This Winter
January 19
As winter weather brings snow and ice, it’s more important than ever to ensure that fire hydrants remain visible and accessible. In the event of an emergency, a buried hydrant can delay firefighting efforts and put lives at risk.
How You Can Help: We encourage residents to clear snow and ice around fire hydrants near their property. A clear hydrant can make all the difference in a time-critical situation.
Here’s ... (Full Story & Photos)
Two-Vehicle Crash with Rollover and Confinement
January 18
Shortly after noon time, HTFD crews were dispatched to the report of a two vehicle crash with confinement in the vicinity of the UFCW Federal Credit Union on the Sans Souci Parkway. Rescue 5 and Engine 1 quickly responded. One of the vehicles involved rolled over onto its side, leaving the driver confined inside. Firefighters quickly arrived on scene and assessed the situation, confirming that the ... (Full Story & Photos)
Single Vehicle MVA on Route 309
December 27
At approximately 0600 hrs, Hanover Township Fire and Medic 9 were dispatched to a reported single-vehicle motor vehicle accident (MVA) on Route 309 Northbound, with reports of entrapment.
Upon arrival, Rescue 5 and Fire Command crews found one vehicle behind the guide rail, with a single occupant confined inside. The occupant was safely extricated by fire personnel, who hyper-extend the door to free ... (Full Story & Photos)
Quick Extinguishment of Christmas Vehicle Fire
December 25
Engine Co. 1 and Fire Command just cleared the scene of a Vehicle Fire on S Main St in the Township.
On the Engine Co.'s arrival an 1 3/4 bumper line was deployed and knock down and extinguishment occurred within minutes with the help of F500 Encapsulating Agent. This new technology has been deployed on our fire attack apparatus allowing for less water use and faster extinguishment times.
HTFD ... (Full Story & Photos)
Photo prior to Truck 4 arrival
Truck Co. Responds into Wilkes Barre Township
December 23
Hanover Township Fire Department Truck 4 and Fire Command responded as Automatic Aid to Wilkes-Barre Township for a reported dryer fire at the laundromat located at the Blackman Street Car Wash. Upon arrival of Wilkes-Barre Township’s first units, a working fire was declared as the dryer fire had spread to the structure. Truck 4 quickly arrived on scene and began assisting with fire suppression efforts, ... (Full Story & Photos)
Aid Provided on Large Commercial Fire in Newport Township
December 23
Engine Co. #3 and Fire Command initially responded to the fire as a Rapid Intervention Team (RIT). Upon arriving at the scene, the fire had already escalated rapidly, prompting a greater alarm response. As the fire intensified, the Engine 3 RIT crew was reassigned to fire suppression duties, and the operation transitioned to an "all hands" response, meaning that all available units were involved in ... (Full Story & Photos)
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